
Speaker BIO

Peter manages anti-disinformation and media quality projects at Seznam.cz, a major tech company and media house in Czechia. As a signatory of the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation, Peter makes sure Seznam.cz delivers on its promises to push back on misinformation on its platform, moderate and fact-check discussions, and provide brand-safe environment for advertisers.

Previously, Peter had worked for more than 15 years for the leading PR consultancy Seesame. He has an extensive track record in campaigning for both corporate and non-profit clients. Also, he had trained strategic communication for several public institutions.

Peter had co-founded Konšpirátori.sk, a unique project that seeks to protect brands from displaying their ads on disinformation sites. He was responsible for development, communication, and fundraising.

He holds a master’s degree in Political Science from Central European University in Budapest and a bachelor’s degree in European Studies from the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava.